Audio Innova offers specific training programs to companies who wish to improve their employees’ IT competence and to keep their collaborators’ IT knowledge updated.

corsi-base-informaticaOur experts analyse your company needs and identify the best program and the more suitable learning strategies in order to achieve your company training goals with efficiency and efficacy.

Our courses may be one-to-one or for a group of people, according to your company needs, the number of participants and their initial level of knowledge; they may be held on premises or in Audio Innova multifunction conference rooms equipped with devices and leaning tools.

Thanks to their specialization in IT and computer sciences, applications and security, our trainers also plan and organize in-house training courses, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Companies can choose courses or seminars among the ones listed in Audio Innova catalogue, which cover the most up-to-date subjects and all the general needs of companies. To fulfil specific needs, it is also possible to set up customized programs with our trainers.

Here is a list of some of the entry-level courses organized by Audio Innova:

  • QWERTY – Computer basic training;
  • Office Automation – Microsoft Office basic training;
  • IT Security Management for companies;
  • Parental Control – Course for parents about internet security for families;
  • WEB Design – Course about websites publishing and management.


For the complete course list and for a free quote, click the button