The iaLEARN training course is aimed at everyone who wants to fully understand and exploit the possibilities offered by the iALEARN system. At the end to the training course, students will be able to work on aiLEARN autonomously and to create original contents.
The course
The training course will be held in three different three-hour sessions, with a total commitment of none hours. students will be divided in groups with no me than 8 participants.
Syllabus is as follows:
First lesson
- What is aiLEARN and how does it work?
- aiLEARN optional set-up
- What can I do with aiLEARN?
- How to create new contents from aiLEARN (namely aiTELLs)
Second lesson
- How to create an original content
- In-depth hardware and software requirements
Third lesson
- Creation of a specific content
- Q&A
At the end of the course we will issue a statement of participation.